
Wednesday, August 30, 2006

I thank to Betty

I would like to say thank you to Betty who create this nickname hearing people need cochlear implants, and she contribute many true statements for deaf children. We both investigate alot of information about deaf children and sign language, and against cochlear implants.

@Copyright John Savva (2006) - please ask for permission before make copy or making any reference of any works of this site.
@Copyright for other person's work when I mention their name. You must ask their permission.

My response to Cochlear implants blog -

you used an example of sign language is useless. I disagree. It is the Phramacy problem they do not know sign language - remember it is two way communication. Why are hearing world expecting us to speak, when you forget to think Phramacy or anyone could to learn sign language or properly get an translator or even ... find a way to resolve the problem other than cochlear implants

We have learnt to adapt how to communicate with the hearing people.

You choose the easy way out for yourself, your family and hearing world, and force deaf children to have cochlear implants because you think sign language is useless.

It is the child who will grew up thinking why you have made a decision - yes parents have power over the child, but remember the child have rights to express themselves ... cannot you wait until the child is mature enough to contribute their views?

People praise them because it is a difficult decision. They are selfish not thinking about deaf children. Think again.

I have met cochlear implants children whom grow up still confused between hearing and deaf world - more confusion.

@Copyright John Savva (2006) - please ask for permission before make copy or making any reference of any works of this site.
@Copyright for other person's work when I mention their name. You must ask their permission.

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Deaf Today: Hearing World steal our deaf children

Cochlear implants open up a new world of hearing

This is the title saying that cochlear implants open up a new world of hearing is wrong.

Hearing world steal more deaf children from our world. You ask yourself what is hearing world? Why cochlear implants steal deaf children to their world? Hearing world do not like imperfect, and want children to be perfect so they steal them.

Children get hurt. Think about it.

@Copyright John Savva (2006) - please ask for permission before make copy or making any reference of any works of this site.
@Copyright for other person's work when I mention their name. You must ask their permission.

My God - this baby look so miserable with Cochlear implants

I cannot believe when I see a parent who show off saying how wonderful surgery went successful, this parent only care about cochlear implants more than how this child feel - this child Nade look very sad and miserable - dont know what it going on.
(found by Betty)

Main photo - this child look sad, - I can see his face that do not want cochlear implants. if someone take a photo of him, he is not looking at the person or at the camera ... if i am taking body language assessment i could see he is rejecting the cochlear implants ... Nade look so angry. The parent or doctor put the cartoon of doctor (hoston) making it a joke but it is a sign that the DOCTOR or PARENT have power over Nade.

"Could they bandage it more?" The parent called "it" like a thing, and make it funny to them. I am not laughing - I damn feel sorry for this child. This is torture and he have to do it for next 18 years before he can get out of the control and take cochlear implants out.

"He's mad with us but still love his cars" - the parent knows he is angry with the parent for the decision of cochlear implants but the parent tense him - that is very cruel.

I cannot look any more of photos.

This cochlear implants must be stopped NOW!

@Copyright John Savva (2006) - please ask for permission before make copy or making any reference of any works of this site.
@Copyright for other person's work when I mention their name. You must ask their permission.

Deaf Children! Urgent attention for Deaf children!

When any parents or any medical doctors want you to have cochlear implants -


Do not feel you have to do it, to impress your parents or family.
Do not feel you have to do it, because you are shame that you are deaf.
Do not feel you have to do it, because they want the cure.
Do not feel you have to do it, so you can communicate with hearing. It is Hearing problem they cannot communicate with you - it is not your problem.

Find out more about British Sign Language before you make a decision. There are many deaf people who grow up realising they are happy with deaf community - there are much to offer.

Keywords: Deaf, Deafness, cure deafness, hearing impaired, doctor, cochlear implants, sign language, deaf parents, deaf children, deaf teenagers, deaf youth etc.