
Wednesday, August 30, 2006

My response to Cochlear implants blog -

you used an example of sign language is useless. I disagree. It is the Phramacy problem they do not know sign language - remember it is two way communication. Why are hearing world expecting us to speak, when you forget to think Phramacy or anyone could to learn sign language or properly get an translator or even ... find a way to resolve the problem other than cochlear implants

We have learnt to adapt how to communicate with the hearing people.

You choose the easy way out for yourself, your family and hearing world, and force deaf children to have cochlear implants because you think sign language is useless.

It is the child who will grew up thinking why you have made a decision - yes parents have power over the child, but remember the child have rights to express themselves ... cannot you wait until the child is mature enough to contribute their views?

People praise them because it is a difficult decision. They are selfish not thinking about deaf children. Think again.

I have met cochlear implants children whom grow up still confused between hearing and deaf world - more confusion.

@Copyright John Savva (2006) - please ask for permission before make copy or making any reference of any works of this site.
@Copyright for other person's work when I mention their name. You must ask their permission.


Anonymous said...

I am a hearing student who has many deaf friends and at one time had a relationship with a deaf man. With them i have discussed positive and negative emotional, physical, and mental affects it may have. I one day plan to adopt a deaf child, and i would never make the choice to give them a cochlear implant unless they were old enough to understand what it was and acknowledge that they wanted one. Yes, it is the parents right to make healthcare decisions for their children, but if it can be delayed it should be, especially when a whole different world awaits. In America we have two dominant languages, english and spanish; why can we not learn yet another? This one we don't even have to speak! It's more convenient then most know. I have taken multiple sign language classes within HS and college, and to me, sign language is the most beautfiful language of all.

ASL Deafined said...

Everyone can learn some sign language in order to communicate with everyone. Why should it always be on the shoulders of the deaf person? Good point!